Irmine Roshem

Hello! Welcome to my website and thank you for your interest. You can use the menu on the right to navigate through my background, skills and achievements!

About Me

Thanks to many years of education in bioarchaeological sciences, culminating in the completion of my PhD in Palaeopathology on the impact of climate change on the respiratory health of Medieval Scottish and Irish populations, I have acquired strong research, critical thinking, and writing skills (among many others!). The last year of my doctoral degree helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses, but most of all, it allowed me to find what gets me out of bed in the morning.1. Days in the lab, where I collected data and collaborated with the other researchers in my lab group were among the most exciting ones. I liked how much I learnt from my peers, that we had a space for sharing ideas, and how much we supported each other (particularly when deadlines were approaching!).2. My literature review chapter on respiratory health is by far my favourite. I enjoyed reading, summarising, and reviewing the clinical literature related to the topic and almost had to be dragged away to get some sleep…. “I swear, just one more paper”!3. As shown by the Publications & Conferences section, I am passionate about science communication. I believe that scientific research (particularly when related to health) should be shared, and not only among peers. The wider the audience, the better. That is why I have attended and presented at 9 conferences between 2020 and 2024 and acquired as much teaching experience as I could.In other terms, I am passionate about learning (information or skill!) and telling whoever is interested about it, if I get to write in the process, it is even better. For this reason, I have decided to step away from palaeopathology and apply the skills acquired throughout my education and experiences to a career in medical communications. Despite my skills and expertise being highly relevant to the field, I have also been getting more direct experience as a freelance medical writer and as a sub-editor/writer for My Trauma Is Chronic, But I am Iconic!!. To discuss any professional opportunities, please get in touch!


BSc Archaeology

I had the opportunity to explore most branches of archaeology (from labs to excavations!). It confirmed my passion for archaeological sciences, particularly palaeopathology. My research project titled The Rampion Burial: Contextualising a Saxo-Norman period burial from Sussex brought together osteological analysis, funerary practices and osteology.

MSc Bioarchaeology

Not only did I get to study palaeopathology and biomolecular analysis, I was also able to take biology and sustainability courses. In other terms, a wonderful blend of my interests! My research, How will climate change affect human bone preservation? A study on Pictish Dunkeld and Laig using UKCP18 challenged me and gave me a real taste for research.

PhD Palaeopathology

My doctoral research was entitled Impact of the medieval climate transition on respiratory health in Scotland and Ireland. It combined osteological data collection, statistical analysis, literature reviews and critique. It also allowed me to travel and work with an incredible international team. 3 words to summarise it all? work, commitment, laughter!



  • Medical Writer - Freelance (Nov 2024-Present)

  • Research Assistant in Palaeopathology - University of Aberdeen (Mar 2024-Jul 2024)

  • Teaching Assistant - University of Aberdeen (Sept 2021-Feb2024)


Awards & Training

Associate Fellowship
Advance HE

I obtained this status after completing the PLTHE course offered by the University of Aberdeen. It acknowledges that my teaching practice aligns with Descriptor 1 of the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education.

Honorary Curational Fellow
Museum & Special Collections

Thanks to my contribution to the curation of osteological collections during my PhD, I was given this title while I was a research assistant. This represents that the University of Aberdeen recognises my expertise in osteological curation and trusts my ability to teach using museum collections.

UoA Excellence Award

I won Best Student Class Rep 2023 at the Students' Union & the University of Aberdeen Excellence Awards. It rewards the efforts I put into being the PGR representative for the Archaeology department.

3 Minute Thesis

I won the semi-finals of the University of Aberdeen 3MT competition. Participating was a great opportunity to practice writing and delivering complex scientific information to a broad audience.

Publications & Conferences



  • European Association of Archaeologists, 30th Annual Meeting 2024 on ‘An investigation of the prevalence of rib lesions in Scotland and Ireland through the Medieval Climate Transition’.

  • European Association of Archaeologists, 29th Annual Meeting 2023 on ‘An examination of otitis media in medieval Scotland and Ireland through the Medieval climate transition’.

  • Association of American Biological Anthropologists, 92nd Annual Meeting 2023 on ‘Climate Change impact on maxillary sinusitis prevalence in Medieval Ireland’.

  • Palaeopathology Association, 50th Annual North American Meeting 2023, poster on ‘Prevalence rates of otitis media in medieval Scotland and Ireland: Preliminary results’.

  • European Association of Archaeologists, 28th Annual Meeting 2022, main organiser of session #264 ‘Bioarchaeological Approach to Human Health throughout the Medieval Period in Europe’ and presentation on ‘Climate change impact on respiratory health in medieval Ireland’.

  • Dundee Women’s Festival, Graduate Women of Scotland panel 2022 on ‘Climate change in the medieval northern world and its impact on respiratory health’.

  • German Archaeological Institute’s BACK(BONE) TO THE FUTURE Bioarchaeological Perspectives on Climate Change and Climate Crisis 2021, invited talk on ‘Climate Change Effects on Human Bone Preservation: a Study of Pictish Dunkeld and Laig using UKCP18 Predictions’.

  • NatureScot’s Young Researchers leading in nature-climate science 2021 on ‘Archaeology, Health and Climate: A Bioarchaeological Approach to Human Resilience’.

  • European Association of Archaeologists, 27th Annual Meeting 2021 on ‘Climate change: Impact on human remains’.




As evidenced by experience. I am trained in finding, reviewing and summarising peer-reviewed publications from a range of disciplines. I can also collect, analyse and contextualise data to answer research questions.


I have excellent writing skills, acquired through the writing of scientific research dissertations, published conference abstracts, scientific papers in preparation for publication, and medical communications.


During my PhD, I have attended conferences, training, taught, while carrying out my research. Through experience, I learnt to prioritise my tasks while taking collaborators’ schedules into account in order to meet strict deadlines.


I have developed excellent communication skills by presenting at international conferences and participating in 3MT.


I was part of a research group where we collaborated collegially, sharing a lab and data. I co-ran the course ‘Teamwork & Leadership’.

Project Management

Handling various research projects, data collection, and supervising students shows my ability to manage multiple projects.


I am fluent in English and French.

Microsoft Office

Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams.